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Get the App

Designed for iOS, Android and your Web browser

Search for RiskBase in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store or sign in on your computer's web browser at

Apple App Store Google Play Store icon

Sign In

Sign in with your email
  1. Open the RiskBase app.
  2. Enter your email address.
  3. Press Next.

Sign In

  1. We will email you a six-digit code. Enter the six digit code into the app.

Six Digit Code

Having trouble signing in?
  1. Delete all the codes RiskBase has sent you.
  2. Enter your email address into RiskBase and wait for a new code to be emailed to you.
  3. Enter that code into RiskBase.

Download Assets

Perform inspections without an internet connection
  1. Press the cloud icon (top right)
  2. Press Download Assets.

Download Assets

  1. Select one or more assets by pressing on them.

Download Assets

  1. Press Download.
  2. Press Done.
An internet connection is required to download assets

Users responsible for large numbers of assets can choose to manually manage their downloaded assets.

It's up to the user how they manage their assets. A Fire Risk Assessor who performs an FRA once per year might only download an asset when an FRA is due, removing the asset when the FRA is complete. A housing manager who makes regular visits to buildings will likely keep all their assets downloaded on their device.

